Team established to improve approval process for academic courses, programs

June 24, 2019

University Relations

A new process improvement team is focusing on how the approval process for academic courses and programs can be streamlined to increase the number of new programs and courses offered, increase enrollment, and modernize the student experience. The Alaskans Leading Program and Course Approvals team — or  ALPACA — was developed in response to a strategic enrollment process objective. The changes that come from this process improvement group are intended to increase offerings and empower and engage faculty in their innovate pursuits.

Members of this team include Jennifer Tilbury, Meryum Udden, Hayley Williams, Nicole Cundiff, Christina Sutton, Amber Lammers, Sean McGee and Sandra Wildfeuer. They are  facilitated by members of the UAF Process Improvement Team: Jennifer Harris, Briana Walters, Amy Bristor, Kelly Gitter and Amber Leytem.

For more information, you can contact the ALPACA team at