Tell us what you think

January 5, 2016

University Relations

Digital-for-NSSE-2 Freshman and senior baccalaureate students at UAF will be invited to participate in the National Survey of Student Engagement in February 2016.

The survey will explore:

  • Learning strategies

  • Faculty and teaching practices

  • Academic advising

  • Other student experiences

The individualized survey link will be sent to students' or preferred email addresses.

Hundreds of universities use the survey annually to gauge the experiences of their first-year and senior students. Institutions use the response data to improve policies and practices. Prospective college students and others can use the data to see how students spend their time and what they gain from college.

Since the survey began in 2000, more than 1,500 colleges and universities in the United States and Canada have participated.

For more information, go to