Take steps to protect minors on campus
May 18, 2016

All UAF employees and volunteers must receive awareness and policy training to learn how to recognize potential abuse of a minor. Additionally, employees are expected to report unsafe behaviors and situations to the UAF Police Department and their supervisor or UAF Risk Management, UAF Human Resources or the vice chancellor or associate vice chancellor of their department. Employees and volunteers who have specific responsibilities for minors are required to have additional training and background checks.
Parents are encouraged to talk to their kids about unsafe behaviors and encourage kids to talk to an adult anytime they feel uncomfortable.
If parents don't feel they can report an issue directly to the camp or department, they can call the UA Confidential Hotline toll-free at 855-251-5719. The hotline provides a confidential option for reporting unsafe behavior.
For more information on the protection of minors on the UAF campus, visit www.uaf.edu/safety/minors or reference the quick tab available for supervisors.
If you see something unsafe, say something, do something.