Thirteen sustainability student projects approved in October

November 8, 2011

Marmian Grimes

Thirteen student-led sustainability projects were chosen by the RISE Board and Office of Sustainability to be funded, totaling nearly $44,000 in allocated funding.

Three times annually, proposals are accepted for projects that support UAF’s sustainability initiatives. Preference is given to projects that invest in energy efficiency programs and renewable energy projects. RISE (Review of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Energy) is an associated student board. The goal of the grant program is to endorse promising student ideas for a more sustainable future.

The RISE Board evaluated the project proposals in October and forwarded their recommendations to the Chancellor for approval. A full list of the funded projects can be found below.

One of the projects enthusiastically supported was the UAF Green Bikes Program. Started by a student proposal in January 2010, the Green Bikes program has quickly gained popularity with students. A fleet of 55 bicycles are available for free to students with a signed checkout agreement and deposit. Not even the Fairbanks winter can deter these committed cyclists; in mid-October, winter bikes were released and checked out in record time.

This program benefits UAF in many ways. Students who may not otherwise have access to a bike now have the means to cycle. This program is also keeping cars off the road and out of the parking lots, while helping reduce UAF’s shared carbon footprint. To date, the project has been estimated to save 53 tons of carbon emissions, reports Michael Stanfill, the student Green Bike coordinator.

The next round of proposals are due in February. For information on the proposal process or to view funded projects in more detail, visit or contact a member of the RISE board.

Fall 2011 Sustainability Student Projects Funded
Green Bike Program  $12,000
Cutler Recycling Infrastructure  $4,000
Heat Pump  $1,610
Compost Tea  $4,500
Energy Dashboard  $7,128
Operation EcoChallenge  $5,000
BioBags  $2,200
P3- People, Prosperity, Planet  $1,590
Shell EcoMarathon  $1,990
Clean Snowmachine  $1,957.68
Zero Emissions Snowmachine  $1,907.87
Car Sharing  $0