UA Community Challenge projects
April 22, 2019
University of Alaska students complete hundreds of projects each year as part of degree
programs that require capstone projects and student research. Alaska companies, startups,
nonprofit organizations, public agencies, and UA faculty, staff and students are invited
to share with students a challenge or problem that would be an educational student
project, and help share the resources of the university across the state. Since students
typically spend their fall and spring semesters working on projects, it is it important
that challenges be available by the end of August so that students can contact sponsors
for more information.
If you are faculty member teaching a senior capstone class who is helping students
find and plan a project, a student looking for a project, or if you have a project
and want to share it in order to attract other students from other campuses to join
your team, you can search the current projects or add your project.
Staff and researchers, if you have projects you think a student team completing a
senior project or directed research project could help you with, please post it and
we'll try to match it with a class or team across the UA system.
The Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization as well as the Center ICE program expect to have resources to help student teams, including innovation funding,
mentoring and access to innovation tools to assist with problem blockbusting.
For more information, visit the Alaska Community Challenge page.