UAF and Air Force Research Lab sign education agreement
August 26, 2020
Fritz Freudenberger
A new five-year partnership between the University of Alaska Fairbanks and the Air
Force Research Laboratory will enable scientific collaboration, strengthening the
research and education capabilities at both organizations.

“This is an exciting opportunity for Alaska,” said Nettie La Belle-Hamer, interim vice chancellor for research at UAF. “This partnership will strengthen both UAF and AFRL, while supporting the needs of Alaskans as well as UAF faculty and students, regardless of where they came from.”
Under the education partnership agreement, AFRL will be able to loan and transfer laboratory equipment to UAF, make AFRL scientists and engineers available to teach science courses at the university, provide faculty with sabbatical opportunities and students with internships, and involve students and faculty in national defense research projects.
“This is an important partnership with a great educational institution,” said Kelly Hammett, director of the Directed Energy Directorate at AFRL. “We look forward to welcoming university faculty and students in partnering with AFRL researchers on technology advancements for the nation’s defense, and in expanding STEM opportunities across the Alaska education system.”
The organizations are also working together to enhance education initiatives in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math), a key interest for both. Plans are in development to allow students to earn academic credit for work at the laboratory. In addition, AFRL scientists and engineers can help advise students on academic and career paths.
“Our EPA with the University of Alaska is a fantastic educational outreach opportunity to interest students in pursuing STEM careers to grow our country’s STEM workforce,” said Col. Eric Felt, the Space Vehicles Directorate director at AFRL.