UAF goes all-in for first UA Giving Day
October 14, 2020

“Forty-nine hours for the 49th state” is an opportunity to show your Nanook Nation pride. From the giving day site, simply click on the program or area that means the most to you. If the area or fund you want to support isn’t there, you can also give online and direct where you want your gift to go. If your gift comes in during the 49 hours, it will be counted as part of this effort.
The UAF Office of Development and Alumni Relations has collaborated with deans, directors, the UA Foundation and many others to create this event, which we hope will become an annual tradition. The goal is participation. We invite as many people as possible to support UAF’s important mission of teaching, research and service during the 49 hours for the 49th state. Donations of all sizes are welcome.
You can view the site here and register as an ambassador to help share the news. Ambassadors will have handy access to photos, a social media profile frame, suggested verbiage for posts and other tools to help share the message.
Usibelli Coal Mine, Spirit of Alaska Credit Union, the UAF Alumni Association, hockey alumni and many other benefactors have generously offered challenge grants for the 49 hours. Those gifts will be unlocked only if we reach the goals for each challenge!
The site will start accepting donations at noon Oct. 20. Visit the website anytime during the 49 hours to donate. Show your colleagues, friends and family that you, too, support UAF.
For more information about UAF Giving Day, please contact Development and Alumni Relations at 474-2619 or email