UAF offers free ice cleats to help reduce slips and falls

October 4, 2016

University Relations

Ice and snow can make the UAF campus walkways slippery, resulting in falls. To help people stay on their feet, Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management provides free ice cleats to employees and students.

You can stop by the main office at 1855 Marika Road  to pick up a pair or visit the following locations between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on the specified days:

  • Wood Center, Oct. 5

  • Murie Building, Oct. 19

  • Akasofu, Nov. 2

  • Regents' Great Hall, Nov. 9


Crews work to keep the walkways clear of ice and snow, but if you see a hazardous walkway that needs attention, please contact Facilities Services at 474-7000.