UAF staff earn protection of minors certification

December 13, 2018

University Relations

More than a dozen staff members have been certified as Praesidium Guardians after completing a nationally recognized training program for protection of minors, including:

Cathy Brooks, Alaska Native Studies and Rural Development
Lynette Dunn, Alaska Summer Research Academy
Margo Griffith, Department of Equity and Compliance
Ronnie Houchin, Office of Admissions
Sylvia Hutchison, GeoFORCE Alaska
Frances Isgrigg, Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management
Debra Jones, Cooperative Extension Service
Jamie Napolski, Residence Life
Mark Oldmixon, Nanook Recreation
Casie Stockdale, Kuskokwim Campus
Kaydee Van Flein, Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities
Paige Vonder Haar, Bunnell House
Denise Wartes, Rural Alaska Honors Institute
Michele Wilken, Community and Technical College

The certification focuses on best practices for UAF programs to prevent abuse of minors by employees, volunteers and other minor participants and for responding to incidents. The training included online coursework and an intensive, three-day onsite workshop, and "work to learn" team projects to be applied to UAF specifically.

One team created a contractor toolbox designed to help UAF’s contractors working on campus understand their part in creating a safe environment for minors.

Another team developed a resource handbook for camps, giving UAF camp organizers a centralized location for camp how-tos, support and program operations. Topics covered in the handbook include selection and screening of camp staff; reporting processes for employees, parents and mandated reporters; appropriate behavior; overnight programs and residence hall requirements; risk mitigation at events with minors; and emergencies.

A third team worked to refine reporting requirements and further clarify the responding pathways. Their work includes proposed updates to the UAF protection of minors website, creating a reporting flow chart and related messaging, and evaluating ways to harmonize new and existing reporting structures. They are also working on producing a video to encourage reporting by talking about the benefits.

These projects are still in draft form but will be posted to the UAF protection of minors website when finalized, and may be shared with UAA and UAS for their programs

UAF expects to offer another certification training opportunity next year. Interested staff should contact ESHRM director Frances Isgrigg at 474-5487 or for more information.