UAF Summer Sessions recognized by peers
October 14, 2014

This past year, Summer Sessions used UAF staff, faculty and students as role models to encourage students to partake in summer courses as a way to stay on track to graduate in four years. The idea led to the placement of Plexiglas artworks at high-traffic locations across the UAF campus. WASSA gave the project an award for best innovative printed promotional item.
Summer Sessions' educational adventure guide, which provided the Fairbanks community with a snapshot of the many-faceted program, also earned a WASSA award for the best use of print media.
Finally, Summer Sessions received the the Carol Switzer Award, which recognizes the best use of a stolen idea, for using a less expensive method to print its course guide. The idea came from the University of Saskatchewan in Canada.
Contact Charu Uppal at 474-7588 for additional information. To learn more about Summer Sessions & Lifelong Learning programs, visit