UAF to honor Steve Lundgren as business leader of the year
April 10, 2017
Andrea Miller

The University of Alaska Fairbanks School of Management will honor Steve Lundgren as its 41st business leader of the year during a sold-out dinner and award ceremony April 15 at the Westmark Fairbanks Hotel Gold Room.
Lundgren is president and CEO of Denali State Bank. Lundgren’s career in the financial services industry is a true success story spanning over three decades, during which he has served the Fairbanks business community as a leader, mentor and influencer.
“I believe the role of business leaders is to use our positions to support the next generation of leaders for the business community,” Lundgren said. “I hope my leadership continues to have an impact on the community and the next generation of young leaders in Fairbanks.”
Lundgren began his career in Oregon as a management trainee at a small savings and loan after graduating from Oregon State University. After working locally for Alaska USA Federal Credit Union, Lundgren accepted a position at Key Bank working with Mike Milam, who would become a lifelong friend. After nearly 15 years at Key Bank, Lundgren was offered a position at Mt. McKinley Bank, where he worked for six years before moving to Denali State Bank.
Lundgren has been a progressive leader in the local banking industry and is also well recognized nationally. He’s the Alaska representative on the American Bankers Association Community Bankers Council, and he’s past president of the Alaska Bankers Association, representing all seven banks that operate within the state of Alaska.
Lundgren serves on the board of directors, is a past board chair and currently chairs the Finance Committee of the Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce. He’s a member and past president of the Fairbanks Sunrisers Rotary Club and a former board chair of the Fairbanks Economic Development Corp.
Lundgren also has a long history of supporting the military. He’s a member of the Alaskan Command Civilian Advisory Board, and he currently serves as national treasurer of the Air Force Association, headquartered in Washington, D.C. Lundgren is also the Alaska vice chair and Northern Alaska region chair for the Alaska Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve.
Lundgren served for many years on the Fairbanks chamber’s Military Affairs Committee, and the fruits of his efforts are apparent in the announcements regarding military expansion. He was active in promoting Eielson Air Force Base during the threats of closure or realignment, as well as promoting the assignment of F-35s to Eielson. Lundgren understands the economic impacts on the community and the needs for housing, financing and community services that adding several thousand new residents will entail. In 2000, Lundgren received the prestigious Jim Messer Award, given by the Fairbanks chamber at the Military Appreciation Banquet to an individual who best promoted military-community relations over the years.
Lundgren is a remarkable advocate for education. He serves on the UAF Advocacy Committee and, in this capacity, has provided testimony to the UA Board of Regents and other legislative bodies in support of the university’s mission. Lundgren provides support and mentorship for university students and local young professionals. Lundgren is proud that 16 of his 80 employees at Denali State Bank have degrees from UAF, many from the School of Management, and others are currently attending school at UAF.
ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Tammy Tragis-McCook, 907-474-7042.