University holiday closure dates
October 22, 2013
In addition to the paid holidays (Dec. 25-26 and Jan. 1-2), this academic year’s university
holiday closure will be Dec. 27, 30, and 31, 2013. Employees are encouraged to take
leave during this period. Departments with essential employees are exempt from the
university closure. Due to the dates of the academic calendar this year, the soft
closure will be limited to Jan. 3. Employees who want to take additional time off
should work with their supervisors to coordinate leave time.
Jan. 3 is also the beginning of Wintermester, so offices providing direct services
to students should remain reasonably staffed. However, employees are encouraged to
participate in the soft closure on Jan. 3, but are not required to take leave. Employees
may choose to work even if the department is closed, or take annual leave or leave
without pay. Holiday pay for those eligible will not be affected regardless of the
type of leave taken.
Employees should be aware that retirement eligibility (PERS and TRS) may be affected
if your leave without pay exceeds ten 10 days in a calendar year. Once the business
hours for a department have been determined and announced by the supervisor, employees
should coordinate with their supervisor regarding leave options and schedules. Departments
that have circumstances requiring employees to work during the holiday closure (Dec.
27, 30 and 31) should notify UAF Human Resources before Dec. 17. If you have any additional
questions, please contact Human Resources at 474-7700.