University to host free salmon lunch taste test
July 27, 2012

Jazlyn Herron has a discerning palate.
After a thoughtful chew of a piece of salmon patty dipped in yogurt sauce, the three-year-old Herron gave her approval with an enthusiastic thumbs-up. She gave the salmon meatballs the same nod.
Herron was part of a salmon recipe taste test recently conducted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ Center for Alaska Native Health Research.
The recipes’ next stop is the Tanana Valley State Fair as part of the “Can you Taste Local" event at the Kiwanis Agriculture Hall Aug. 4 from noon to 4 p.m. The event is sponsored in collaboration with the Alaska Farm to School Program. In addition to salmon tasting, there will be a hand-washing activity for kids and a blind taste test between local and imported vegetables.
The fish taste tests are part of CANHR’s Fisheries to Schools research project, which aims to put more fish into school lunches and study how that affects the health of Alaska schoolchildren and communities, said Andrea Bersamin, the project’s principal investigator and UAF assistant professor.
“The goal is to find a way to support local fish businesses while providing a culturally important and healthy food for Alaska’s children,” she said.

The UAF Cooperative Extension Service test kitchen has developed standardized Alaska salmon recipes for the taste test. The tasting has been designed to involve children and the community in creating cafeteria selections students will enjoy. Jazlyn Herron was one of the first to sample the recipes.
Now, fair attendees have a chance to voice their opinion on what salmon entrée children might prefer. The study could provide a model for Alaska school food services to add Alaska salmon to the menus.
“It could be great for Alaska’s children and for local commercial fishing businesses,” Bersamin said.
ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Andrea Bersamin, 907- 474-6129, or
NOTE TO EDITORS: Photos are available online at