U.S. ambassador to give keynote at dispute resolution conference
April 21, 2014

Kirsten Pickard
Former U.S. Ambassador John W. McDonald will give a virtual keynote address at the fourth annual Global Cyber-conference on Dispute Resolution Wednesday, April 23, at 11 a.m. in Room 109 of the Butrovich Building on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus in Fairbanks.
The address will initiate the 2.5-hour town-hall-style conference, which is an annual meeting of a growing network of more than 30 universities from the United States, Iran, Israel, New Zealand, Canada, Australia and other countries. Discussion will focus on four areas of dispute resolution: integrating approaches, indigenous dispute resolution, therapeutic jurisprudence and restorative practices. The event, developed and jointly hosted by the UAF justice and communication departments, is free and open to the public.
McDonald is a lawyer, diplomat, former international civil servant, development expert and peacebuilder concerned about world, economic and ethnic problems. He spent 20 years of his diplomatic career in Western Europe and the Middle East, and worked for 16 years on United Nations economic and social affairs. He is the co-founder, chairman and CEO of the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy, an international nongovernmental organization that takes a systems approach to peace and focuses on international ethics conflicts.
MEDIA CONTACT: Lou Brown with the UAF justice department, lsbrown@alaska.edu or 907-474-5500.