Veteran education benefits presentations July 22

July 10, 2020

University Relations

“VA Educational Benefits 101” is an informational brief via Zoom during two sessions Wednesday, July 22, from 1-2 p.m. and 5:30-6:30 p.m. This presentation helps individuals using a VA educational benefit understand the rules and regulations as well as the ways to maximize their benefit. The briefing will cover many aspects of the VA educational benefits, including requesting the benefits, using the benefits, and how to apply the benefits in the most advantageous way.

This interactive presentation is open to all faculty, staff, students and community members who want to gain a greater understanding of the various types of VA educational benefits and how they work. You'll also be able to ask your school certifying officials questions to help you better understand the requirements that are specific to VA Educational Benefits.

This presentation is open to veterans and anyone interested in learning about the programs that support the local veteran population. If you have questions about this program please contact the UAF Department of Military and Veterans Services at 474-7400 or

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