Violent intruder tabletop exercise emphasized preparedness

December 12, 2016

Carla Browning

Several members of the university's Incident Management Team participated in a national violent intruder tabletop exercise on Thursday, Dec. 8, 2016. A number of first responders and communicators from Fairbanks, Anchorage, Juneau and Valdez, as well as agency partners, participated in the scenario-based exercise designed to address critical issues, decisions and other requirements for handling a violent intruder event on any UA campus.

The team worked to identify gaps in planning and will follow up in an effort to strengthen our response capabilities.

The UAF Police Department offered violent intruder training to the campuses last fall, and that training is still available online.  Staff and faculty are encouraged to take the training.

The tabletop exercise was organized by Steve Mullins and sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Emergency Management Institute.