Virtual ice cream Thursdays connect students to UAF activities

May 11, 2020

University Relations

This summer, the Center for Student Engagement is keeping the ice cream Thursday tradition alive and is opening it up to UAF staff and faculty to connect students with UAF programs and opportunities.

You provide the ice cream — just for yourself — and lead a discussion or activity. You can use this time to talk about your program, events happening that week, or just sit back, enjoy the sun and talk about everyone's favorite flavors.

Each week, CSE will send the host ideas and prompts, but you can use the time to build community in a way that fits your program mission.

The program will stream over the Be Live platform. Hosts will need to have a Facebook account to log on.

The livestream will post to the UAF Facebook page and can be shared to multiple Facebook accounts. This will be a wide audience, with UAF alumni and Fairbanks community members possibly in attendance.

Sign up online. For more information, email Heidi Shepard at