Virtual memorial for John Craven
April 5, 2021

John Craven, GI professor emeritus, passed away in January in Fairbanks. The Geophysical Institute is hosting a virtual Zoom event in his memory on Friday, April 16, from 3:45-5 p.m. during the regularly scheduled Physics Journal Club meeting.
Craven joined UAF as a professor of physics in 1991. Though he retired in 2009, he continued as an active researcher as an emeritus through 2020. This event is an opportunity to remember him and share memories with his friends and colleagues. The memorial will be recorded.
RSVP here to join the Zoom event.
Please indicate if you'd like to speak during the event or share photos for inclusion in the event slideshow. You will receive the Zoom link and more details via email before the event.
For questions, contact Rich Collins at or call Kelly Eagan at 474-7787.
Read John Craven's obituary here.