Visualize This! design competition opens

January 17, 2017

University Relations

University of Alaska researchers can enter the annual Visualize This! design competition through March 31.

Entries must relate to a current University of Alaska research topic. Entries can come from individuals or teams, and must include participation by a UA scientist.

Entries will be accepted in two categories:

  • Print â€” photos, illustrations, posters and graphics

  • Video â€” videos and interactive visualizations

First, second and third place winners in each category will receive $1,000, $500 and $250, respectively, and 10 entrants will receive $50 honorable mentions. Entries will be displayed at UAF Research Day on April 25 and at a First Friday event in Decision Theater North on May 5.

Click here for contest rules and here to register.

Visualize This! is sponsored by the Alaska National Science Foundation Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, the Alaska Institutional Development Award Network of Biomedical Research Excellence and the Alaska Biomedical Learning and Student Training programs.