Is there a way that UAF staff can cash out sick leave?
January 10, 2018
I've been a university staff employee for almost 20 years. I don't have kids and I'm
generally pretty healthy. I don't take many sick days. As a result, I have almost
a year and a half of sick leave available in my sick leave bank. I'll be retiring
in the next year and from what I can see, when I retire my sick leave balance will
return to the university's general fund. I feel I'm getting a bit of a raw deal because
I'm healthy and don't have kids. I worked for those sick leave hours, but it appears
I won't get the benefits of them. Is there a way I can cash at least some of those
hours out? Is it possible that the policy could be changed so that sick leave hours
over a certain amount — say a year's worth of hours — could be cashed out?
I'm frustrated that, in the current system, I'll leave soooo much on the table when
I retire.