Webinar highlights climate change in Bering Sea

September 9, 2011

Marmian Grimes

Brook Gamble

The Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy will host a statewide webinar Tuesday, Sept.13 at 10 a.m.

The webinar will offer information about how the climate affects Alaska fisheries. Marine biologist Mike Sigler will focus on an ecosystem study of the Bering Sea that aims to understand and forecast changes in the food web.

The largest U.S. commercial fishery in the United States is located in the Bering Sea. Pollock quotas recently fell during a run of warm years, only to be follower by an increase during cold years.

For registration, visit ine.uaf.edu/accap and follow the webinar links or call 907-474-7812.

ON THE WEB: For registration and dial-in instructions, visit http://ine.uaf.edu/accap/teleconference.htm
