Why does UAF retain a lower percentage of tuition dollars than UAS/UAA?
February 15, 2018
Why do colleges at UAF retain a lower percentage of tuition dollars generated than
those at UAS/UAA? In an email to the university community 7, 2017, President Johnsen said the following, "Tuition directly supports instructional learning.
At UAA and UAS, 80 percent of tuition revenue is retained by the college generating
the revenue, and 20 percent goes to cover campus-wide needs, such as academic tuition
waivers and system computing services. At UAF the percentage split is 60/40. Community
and rural campuses across the UA system retain 100 percent of revenue generated by
Why is the share retained by colleges at UAF so much less than that on other campuses?
Does that mean UAF bears the largest cost for maintaining Statewide???