Your holiday survival guide

December 3, 2018

University Relations

If all the fun starts to feel like a frenzy, remember that it's OK to slow down and take time for yourself. UAF photo by JR Ancheta.
If all the fun starts to feel like a frenzy, remember that it's OK to slow down and take time for yourself. UAF photo by JR Ancheta.

Winter break is coming! While this is certainly a time for respite and rejuvenation, for some it can also bring on holiday and family stress. Whether it be family drama, gift buying frenzies, too many parties and too little time, or nervous anticipation of next semester, sometimes we can get bogged down in all the mess in our minds. Here are some tips for getting through the holidays:

  • Say “no” when you need to. And say it guilt free! This is your time of rest, too!

  • Let go of trying to control what other people say or do. You only have control over your own actions, so own those and let the rest be.

  • Skip, leave early, go late or drive your own car to holiday parties or family gatherings.

  • Spend quality time with supportive people.

  • Set a positive intention.

  • Express your feelings in a positive and assertive way.

  • Do not be passive aggressive — this gets no one anywhere.

  • Exercise every day for at least 15 minutes.

  • Start and end each day with gratitude.

  • Keep healthy snacks handy as you are running to and fro all over town.

  • Be mindful of your sleep hygiene. It’s easy to get your sleep cycle off track over the break, and it will be hard to get it back when next semester starts!

  • Schedule an appointment with your counselor to process after the holidays.

  • Create your own holiday self-care ritual.

With a little forethought and realistic expectations, the holidays can be enjoyable, relaxing and a good reset for what’s next. Take time to take care of you this winter break. The staff will be here when you get back, so don’t hesitate to call us at 474-7043 if you’d like someone to talk to.

The Student Health and Counseling Center will be closed from noon on Friday, Dec. 21, until 8 a.m. Monday, Jan. 7.If you experience a crisis over winter break and need to speak with a counselor immediately please call the main office number at 474-7043 and follow the prompts to reach a crisis counselor.