Authors Kantner and McGuire will read from award-winning works
Sarah Manriquez
Feb. 22, 2024
Alaska authors Seth Kantner and Rosemary McGuire will read from their works at the University of Alaska Fairbanks on Feb. 28 at 6 p.m.

Kantner, of Kotzebue, is author of the award-winning bestselling novel “Ordinary Wolves” and four other books, as well as essays and newspaper columns. McGuire, of Fairbanks, is author of the award-winning memoir “Rough Crossing” and other works.
The duo will read from their writings in the BP Design Theater, on the fourth floor of the Usibelli Building on the UAF Troth Yeddha’ Campus in Fairbanks. Afterward, they’ll answer questions from the audience.
The reading is part of the Midnight Sun Visiting Writers Series, hosted by the UAF Department of English.
The event is free and open to the public. Parking on campus is free after 5 p.m.
Kantner and McGuire, who also both fish commercially, address questions of identity in Alaska and Arctic communities in their writing.

Kantner’s most recent book is “A Thousand Trails Home,” published in 2021. Fellow Alaska author Don Rearden described it as “an inspiring and important book about Alaskan culture, biology, philosophy, history — and love for the creature [caribou] at the heart of life on the tundra.”
McGuire’s “Cold Latitudes,” also published in 2021, recounts her experiences in the Arctic and Antarctica. “McGuire is from and of the cold latitudes about which she writes,” American writer Gretel Erlich said of the book. “It shows in the chop and bang, the beauty and slide of her words as if lifted directly from the Arctic’s intrinsic difficulty and elegance.”
ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Seth Kantner, 907-412-0906; Rosemary McGuire, 907-987-9125