Chancellor's forum on the budget Oct. 13
Oct. 13, 2022
Please join me and members of my leadership team for an online forum on UAF's budget and tuition from 1-2 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 13. Panelists will include:
- Anupma Prakash, provost and executive vice chancellor
- Julie Queen, vice chancellor for administrative services
- Ashley Munro, director of financial aid
As I wrote in my latest budget column, UAF recently submitted our annual operating and capital budget request for FY24 to President Pitney. During the forum, we'll provide a recap of the FY23 budget, discuss the FY24 budget timeline, and talk about our tuition strategy. Submit questions before or during the forum, and we will answer them as time permits. Please register in advance for the online forum and you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Registration is closed for this forum.