Get a move on to Canvas!

UAF continues the move to Canvas as its Learning Management System. If you are still teaching courses in Blackboard, now is the time to plan your path to migrate course content to Canvas before the end of Spring 2024. eCampus is here to assist with the move and is able to provide support at varying levels to best fit your style. To get started, you can direct questions through the UAF Faculty Hub Slack or schedule a consultation with an instructional designer.

Avoid a scramble at the last minute - Start teaching in Canvas for Fall 2023! Make the proactive move to Canvas before the final semester for Blackboard courses which is Spring 2024. eCampus has curated a variety of resources to help, Canvas DIY resources are available on demand or RSVP for live workshops. Faculty can submit a request to migrate existing courses from Blackboard to Canvas at any time during the transition period or migrate their own course content by following the instructions in the Blackboard Course Export / Import to Canvas tutorial.