IAB Life Sciences Seminar: Biogeography and the Bering Land Bridge

UAF researcher Daniel Mann holds a steppe bison skull from the last ice age that he and fellow UAF researcher Pamela Groves found with the rest of its well-preserved skeleton. Although the Arctic’s frozen ground preserves bones exceptionally well, said Mann, it’s rare to find such a complete skeleton. The bison, which the researchers nicknamed “Bison Bob,” dated to 40,000 years ago and still had some fur on it.
Date: Friday, Sept. 17, 2021
Time: 3 p.m.
Location: Online and Murie Auditorium
Daniel Mann will be the speaker for the Institute of Arctic Biology Life Sciences
Seminar on Friday, Sept. 17, at 3 p.m. by Zoomand in Murie Auditorium. Mann, a research professor in the Institute of Arctic Biology, will present "Recent
Advances in the Biogeography of the Bering Land Bridge."
The in-person presentation in Murie Auditorium will be limited to 30 participants,
masks required.
For more information, please visit the seminar website.