January rural staff spotlight: Pearl Foster

The pandemic severely restricted face-to-face interactions. As a result, the Bristol Bay Campus has had many more electronic interactions. Pearl Foster has done much to make online communications effective.
She smoothly ran Zoom meetings, stitched together speeches and presentations when campus commencement exercises went virtual, and has worked with instructors to create marketing video promos for their classes.
We would like to highlight Pearl for her media abilities, getting Bristol Bay Campus videos and flyers out there to the public in a time crunch, and making them look amazing.
Every campus needs a Pearl and Bristol Bay Campus feels very fortunate to have her.
Do you know a staff member from one of UAF’s rural campuses who deserves recognition? Maybe someone who always works hard for their students, their co-workers, their community or UAF as a whole? You can nominate any staff member from a rural campus using this form. If you have any questions, please contact UAF Staff Council’s Rural Affairs Committee members Tara Borland at taborland@alaska.edu or and Courtney Pagh at crpagh@alaska.edu.