Managing worry and anxiety

Chronic worry that begins to impact the quality of life becomes “anxiety” and well-intended suggestions to “stop worrying” or applying common stress  management techniques are mostly ineffective. This online training delivered by ComPsych - Guidance Resources on Thursday, March 6 from 11 a.m. to noon will address how worry habits develop and methods of intervening with worry and anxiety.

By the end of this workshop, you will:

  • Understand how worry and anxiety function as a mental habit
  • Learn to distinguish doubt from danger
  • Identify new ways of relating to worry instead of fighting it
  • Be familiar with strategies to acknowledge, accept and work with anxiety

This is a companion course to the March 27 workshop, Psychological Avoidance and Its Impact On Your Mental Health.

To attend the March 6 training, please sign up using this registration LINK.