Nanooks for Hope: Suicide Prevention Month events

Nook wearing a Suicide Prevention/Awareness Ribbon.
Photo by Joshua Jessup
Nook wearing a Suicide Prevention/Awareness Ribbon.

September is Suicide Prevention Month. In addition to UAF’s ongoing prevention and wellness efforts, ORCA POD will be hosting a special campaign: Nanooks for Hope.

Nanooks for Hope is a prevention campaign that focuses on inspiring hope and a sense of belonging within our community. In addition to the below events, ORCA POD will be posting information and resources on their Instagram page (@uaforcapod) throughout the month.

Nanooks for Hope: Healing Circle
Sept. 10 | 2:30-4 p.m. | Wood Center Ballroom
Open to all
ORCA POD has partnered with Fairbanks Native Association for a special healing circle, focused on community, hope and support.

Nanooks for Hope: Suicide Prevention Tabling
Sept. 12 | Noon - 2 p.m. | Wood Center Multi-Level Lounge
Open to all
ORCA POD will have Suicide Prevention Month and Seize the Awkward marketing, resources, and information for any interested.

Nanooks for Hope: Seize the Awkward Display
Sept. 9-20 | Fine Arts Complex, Art Gallery (Room 313)
Open to all
ORCA POD invites you to view our suicide prevention gallery, featuring artwork from Seize the Awkward. Seize the Awkward is a nation-wide program that focuses on fostering good mental health practices through healthy relationships and honest conversation. You can learn more about their program by visiting their website.

Opening Night for the gallery display
Sept. 13, 5-7 p.m. | Fine Arts Complex, Art Gallery (Room 313)
Open to all
Please join us for light refreshments, healing/inspirational art and resources from Careline, Fairbanks Native Association, ORCA and UAF Health and Counseling Center.

For individuals seeking assistance with thoughts of suicide or self-harm, please contact our Student Health and Counseling Center at 907-474-7043 or your preferred crisis option, 988 or 877-266-4357.

In the case of an emergency, please contact emergency services by dialing 911.