Practicing partnership: Co-production and boundary spanning in rural Alaska

The UAF Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy and Elizabeth Figus are hosting a dialogue on Feb. 27 from 1-5 p.m. called, “Practicing partnership: Co-production and boundary spanning in rural Alaska.” This four-hour dialogue will bring together graduate students, staff, and faculty to discuss the nuts and bolts of implementing co-production and boundary spanning frameworks in research. Figus will describe details of her experiences with co-production research. Participants will be invited to discuss their experiences and plans for future work.

Attendees will walk away with more tools in their toolboxes for future work. Graduate students will gain insight into what it might look like for them to do this sort of work during and after graduate school, what they should know, and how to get the support they need.

The event will be held in person in Akasofu 401 for participants in Fairbanks, and virtually for anyone joining from the rural campuses.

Register to attend. Space is limited to 30 participants.