Travel customer service office soliciting feedback
Oct. 13, 2021
The UAF travel customer service office is asking for your thoughts on how our office can improve your travel experience!
Please submit feedback regarding your experience with the office. Staff will use this feedback to inform internal processes, website content, training materials and more.
The travel customer service office offers the following:
- pre-yrip planning and budgeting
- Concur travel request entry
- conference registration
- travel arrangements: airfare, lodging and transportation
- Concur expense report entry
- reimbursement processing assistance
- travel training
- travel agency liaison
- receipt management
- risk management liaison
- functional area travel experts
- connect travelers and departments with resources and relevant information
- financial reporting
- event travel logistics
- dustomer service support
- Concur monitoring and clean-up
- unused ticket credit management
For more information, contact Amanda Lash, travel manager, at or 907-474-7707.