URSA announces 2023 Fall Student Project Award recipients
The Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity congratulates the following individuals who received an URSA 2023 Fall Student Project Award.
Marina Barbosa Santos (Interdisciplinary Studies)
Mentor: Ken Tape
Project Title: Repeating Old Photos of the Chena Townsite to Support Archeological Research and Convey Change
Wetherleigh Griffin (Lingustics)
Mentor: Sabine Siekmann
Project Title: Majoring in Minecraft: Engaging ESL Learners in Authentic Interactions Through Virtual Escape Rooms
Luke Lawson (Wildlife Biology and Conservation)
Mentor: Derek Sikes
Project Title: Discovery of an Unknown Lifestage: Larvae of the Flightless Carrion Beetle Lyrosoma opacum (Coleoptera: Agyrtidae)
Nick Samuel (Mechanical Engineering)
Mentor: Sun Woo Kim
Project Title: Improving Hydrogen Production Efficiency from Electrode Surface Modifications
BreAnna Smith (Wildlife Biology and Conservation)
Mentor: Dr. Diana Wolf
Project Title: Extracting Ancient DNA from the North Slope
URSA Student Project Awards are available for fall, spring, and summer terms. These awards support undergraduates (individual and group applicants) in all academic disciplines and located at all associated rural campuses to pursue research and creative activity projects at UAF. For more information on this semester’s student projects, visit the URSA Award Recipients webpage!
Contact the URSA office for more information on how to get involved: uaf-ursa@alaska.edu | 907-450-8772.