Welcome to Political Science at UAF

A political science education makes our political system knowable, and is thus invaluable for developing engaged citizens who seek positive change in our world. The Political Science Department at UAF offers an array of cutting edge classes focusing on international and domestic security, resource governance, democracy, and reconciliation in settler societies. Our graduates go on to pursue a variety of exciting careers upon graduation, in the Alaska state or federal bureaucracy, the Alaska Legislature, or in the private sector working for non-governmental organizations or as lawyers or members of the media. 

ASUAF students hold a meeting on the UAF campus.

  We Want to Feature You

Share your accomplishments, news, research and events! Please email your CLA public information officer, Sarah Manriquez for assistance with submissions to the UAF calendar, UAF Cornerstone, community calendars, Facebook and so much more.




Here's what our students have to say...

Kayla Haeg Joining the UAF Political Science Department was one of the best decisions I have ever made. This department not only has small class sizes that promote in-depth discussion of topics ranging from Africa to the Arctic, but also professors who genuinely care about your academic and professional outcomes. Since graduating from the program, I have been accepted to one of the top ten law schools in the country – a feat I could have never accomplished without my outstanding professors. Kayla Haeg, 2019, B.A.