Education & Workforce Development Program

Chart showing organization of program. All pieces of the chart are in the accordions below program summary.

Program Summary

Alaska’s unique landscape and wide-ranging communities present complex energy challenges that require innovation, collaboration, and creativity. ACEP’s Education and Workforce Development program fosters collaborative ecosystems to grow the next generation of energy workforce. By equipping Alaskans with the skills, knowledge, and networks to lead their community’s energy solutions, ACEP is investing in a dynamic energy workforce for the future.

The Education & Workforce Development program partners across ACEP research groups and external organizations to reach the following goals:

  1. Connect Alaska’s Energy Workforce
  2. Elevate Community Energy Leaders
  3. Develop Applied Energy Education

Alumni Highlights

ACEP Education & Workforce Development Program activities provide buildable experiences that support students who discover a passion for a career in energy. Meet alumni who have engaged in multiple programs, from hands-on research to community engagement, shaping their careers in the energy field.

See paragraph below for image description

Adrian Burke began as a T3 high school student before completing an undergraduate summer internship program, where he contributed learning library materials for his REU project as a Data Librarian. Currently, he is at UAF completing his undergraduate degree and is a part of the Cyberpod team.

See paragraph below for image description

Lydia Andriesson began as an ACEP student worker maintaining the solar research site. She completed an undergraduate summer internship program where she contributed Learning Library materials for her REU project in hydrokinetics and community engagement. She has continued work with her mentor, El Brown, as she completes her masters degree at UAF.

See paragraph below for image description

Henry Toal began as an undergraduate student intern. He completed his master's thesis in partnership with ACEP, which involved using a network of solar irradiance sensors to predict cloud movements and forecast solar power production. Toal is now a research engineer at ACEP.


ACEP Education & Workforce Development Program activities are made possible through the generous support of our funding partners. We are grateful for their commitment to building a skilled and knowledgeable energy workforce in Alaska. More detailed funding information can be found on each of the program activity websites.

Office of Naval Research

National Science Foundation

US Department of State

US Department of Energy

US Department of Defense

Denali Commission

State of Alaska

A collage of research and presentations by ED & WFD