Seminar: Energy Conversion Research Presented by Chris Hagen

Energy Conversion Research with an Eye towards Natural Gas and Internal Combustion Engines
When: December 2nd, 11:00am to 12:00pm
Where: ACEP Energy Technology Lab (ETF)
(The Energy Technology Facility is located directly to the West of the Power Plant
and across the street from the Lola Tilly. Download flyer for map and directions. )
During this seminar the audience will learn about the state of energy conversion for transportation in the US, as well as research activities taking place at the OSU Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL) in Bend, OR. The focus will be on internal combustion engines with details about next generation engines as well as unconventional fuels such as natural gas for transportation.
By some estimates, and based on current consumption rates, the US has 100 years of natural gas reserves now accessible, thanks in part to technology breakthroughs in areas such as directional drilling. Personal transportation using domestic natural gas would displace petroleum imports while reducing some criteria pollutants. Research is being conducted at the OSU ESL to do just that. A bimodal engine, which can compress natural gas for on vehicle storage, as well as burn natural gas for locomotion, has been developed. The speaker will discuss this innovative engine, as well as the parallel development of experimental techniques and facilities for bimodal engine testing.
About the Speaker
Chris Hagen is an assistant professor in the energy systems engineering program at
Oregon State University – Cascades. Dr Hagen’s research focuses around energy systems,
advanced internal combustion engines, unconventional fuels, applied thermodynamics
and fluid mechanics.
Prior to joining the faculty at OSU, Hagen was an assistant research professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Colorado State University (CSU). His industry experience includes serving as a lead research engineer at the Chevron Energy Technology Company where he investigated novel fuels for advanced internal combustion engines. He also worked as an application engineer for Woodward, Inc., a global energy system solution provider. Hagen received his BS in mechanical engineering from Valparaiso University in 1997, his MS in mechanical engineering from CSU in 2002, and his PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2006. Dr. Hagen’s current research involves investigating a home refueling for natural gas transportation and low temperature combustion (LTC) engines and fuels.