ACEP At Work – Pilgrim Hot Springs Geothermal Assessment Project Weekly Update

ACEP At Work – Pilgrim Hot Springs Geothermal Assessment Project Weekly Update

-8 inch washover tool was unable to recover the 2” pipe section (fish) and was tripped out of the well

-After consulting with fishing experts, reviewing the full suite of flowing and static temperature logs and geophysical logs captured before experiencing difficulties, and consulting with the land owners and DOE, it was determined to adjust the approach related to PS-13-1.  The new plan for the well will be to alter the design to allow for more direct use options for Pilgrim Hot Springs itself.

-Once completed, the well will be capable of producing ~300 gallons/minute of fluid at temperatures around 160°F from a depths of 200-250ft. If the well had been completed as originally designed, it would likely not have been capable of producing hotter fluids from deeper intervals, due to its location at the margins of the upflow zone. Therefore, it was decided that it was not prudent to continue fishing out the remaining 2” pipe, and it is planned to leave it in the abandoned section of the well.

-Another log of PS-13-1 was run showing higher temperatures of around 175 F in the shallower geothermal aquifer region of the hole

-A new shallow temperature gradient well was also drilled to the northwest of PS-13-1 to help pinpoint the hot springs upflow zone

-NEXT WEEK:  Unneeded supplies will continue to be ferried to Nome and completion of PS-13-1 will continue