Pellet/Coal Fired Boiler Capabilities - Biomass Brownbag Lunch, Feb 18

Tuesday, February 18th , 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Fairbanks, DNR Building off Sportsman’s Way across from Fred Meyers.
Presenters: Tom Zimmerman of Universal Welding and Jim Gibertoni from Aaron Plumbing and Heating
Topic: Our presenters will be discussing the new Pelco pellet/coal fired boiler facility
in North Pole which utilizes a dual fuel capability. These gentlemen will present
on their installation, management and operations of the Pelco unit, and how they are
working hard to ensure low emissions and potentially creating a 'Pelco in a box' type
unit for distribution into other communities.
If you cannot make the lunch meeting but would like to call in to the presentation,
contact Amanda Byrd (
Photo Caption: Pelco Series Commercial Biomass Boiler.
Photo courtesy