ACEP at Work: VDOS Project Update

Project Description:
The Video Debris Observation System (VDOS) consists of the design, construction and
testing of a remote video observation system for detecting river debris to protect
hydrokinetic turbines.
Progress Update:
The control system for the VDOS power supply has been spec’d out and ordered. It will use a programmable logic controller (PLC) to maintain a healthy charge on its batteries.
The components of the PLC are:
1. Do-more CPU module – serves as the processor of the PLC and is programmable for the desired variables. It will control when the generator is turned on/off as well as process input voltages from the generator and battery bank.
2. 8pt 110VAC input module – used to measure the AC output from the generator and verify when the generator is in on or off mode.
3. 8pt 12-24VDC source input module – monitors the voltage levels of the battery bank.
4. 2 channel analog output voltage module – used to turn the generator on and off when given a signal from the CPU.
5. Direct Logic 4-Slot PLC base – houses and supplies power to the other four modules.
Additional work has been done this week to modify the Job Box housing that the onshore portion of the VDOS and power supply will be stored in. A 4.5” opening was drilled into the top compartment for the installation of a fan that will help reduce the temperature the electronics operate in. Another opening was also drilled in the housing to serve as a port for the camera and router cables to connect to those devices.
Project Lead: Marc Mueller-Stoffels,
Project Engineer: Nicholas Konefal
Project Funding: Alaska Energy Authority
Photo: Hole drilled in onshore VDOS housing for cooling fan. Photo courtesy MFrey, ACEP/UAF.