ACEP at Work: BlackBox Project Logbook – Project Update

Project Description:
The BlackBox Project consists of the design, construction and testing of a remote
data acquisition system. The goal of the project is to develop a completely self-contained
system that can be left in the field unmonitored for extended periods of time.
Progress Update:
After running further tests a result of maximum latency of about 22 micro seconds
was obtained. This reduction in latency time demonstrates that it should be possible
to build sampling and data storage routines at high frequencies (~1000 Hz) in real
Project Lead: Marc Mueller-Stoffels,
Project Engineers: Jeremy Vandermeer and Luis Pereira Miranda
Project Funding: ShellWind/Shell Foundation, Alaska Energy Authority
Photo: A prototype circuit board created by Jeremy Vandermeer for the BlackBox project can be seen pictured. The final version will convert sensor input (voltage and current) from a generator system into an analog signal that can be read by the BlackBox onboard computer. Courtesy of J. Vandermeer, ACEP/UAF.