2014 Alaska Wind Integration Workshop (Early Registration Ends March 10th)

Early registration for the 2014 Alaska Wind Integration Workshop ends this Monday,
March 10th. Register now and save!
“The Alaska Wind Integration Workshop provides an opportunity to learn and share information
on wind systems in arctic environments through expert panel discussions, stakeholder
dialogue and training in areas such as modelling, MET towers and more.” -2014 Alaska
Wind Integration Workshop
To view the agenda and register, visit events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=j8hntapab&oeidk=a07e8trrfhj62554107.
For more information, contact: Stephanie Nowers, State Facilitator, Alaska Wind Working
Group at 907.229.1982 or sjnowers@mtaonline.net
Image courtesy of Stephanie Nowers, Alaska Wind Working Group.