Energy Technology Facility Ramps up for Hatch Flywheel Test

ACEP’s Energy Technology Facility has been abuzz with activity in recent weeks. Researchers have been preparing the lab to receive a flywheel from Hatch for testing and have been making all necessary alterations to the facility to accommodate the new technology.
In the beginning of May, the 2000 gallon external fuel tank for ACEP’s 320kW generator was moved into position adjacent to the generator and just last week the 7000lb foundation for the flywheel arrived onsite. The next steps for the flywheel foundation will be to place it into the ETF’s diesel bay, attach it to the concrete floor, and then attach a 2in. thick section of steel plate over the top of the foundation for the flywheel to be anchored to.
The extra heavy, reinforced foundation is a necessity for the safety of the researchers who will be working around the flywheel during operation. It is hoped that this heavy duty level of anchorage will aide in containing the device if any critical component failures occur.
Photo: The 7000lb flywheel foundation arrives at ACEP’s ETF and is unloaded by UAF Facilities Services. Courtesy MFrey, ACEP/UAF.