Scenarios Planning in Barrow

Marc Mueller-Stoffels will be in Barrow this week as part of a team facilitating the Northern Alaska Scenarios Project (NASP). Led by Amy Lovecraft at UAF, this workshop is one of a series to be held in communities in the Northwest Arctic Borough and the North Slope Borough. NASP brings together representatives of several communities, law enforcement, land managers, subsistence hunters, health providers, elected officials, students, and others for facilitated discussions about identifying factors that make a community healthy and sustainable, and prioritizing actions that lead to it.
“A scenarios process will allow regional stakeholders to plan for, respond to, and shape plausible futures in a setting that fosters broad participation. Because of this, it is also a great way to build capacity to deal with rapid and complex changes within communities. The scenario process gathers input from workshop participants to describe a set of plausible outcomes for a particular guiding question. In this case, the guiding question would build on the desire for healthy, sustainable communities. The goal is to have participants with different expertise review the information about today and consider a question about tomorrow. The focal question is: ‘What is required for sustainable healthy communities on the North Slope by 2040?’” --NASP Fact Sheet
For more information on NASP, visit:
Logo courtesy of Northern Alaska Scenarios Project.