Cooperative Extension Courses on Camping Energy and Greenhouse Heat

The UAF Cooperative Extension Service (CES) will be offering two courses tonight located at ACEP’s Anchorage office. Organized by Art Nash, Energy Specialist at CES, the first course titled “Camping Energy” will begin at 5:15pm and end at 6:00pm. The second course, “Greenhouse Heat,” will begin immediately following the first at 6:00pm and end at 7:00pm. Read below for further details.
Camping Energy, 5:15pm - 6:00pm - Alaska residents living or playing in the backcountry often forgo luxuries such as hot water, adequate space heat, and clean cooking apparatuses. However, new tech and camping energy sources are available, such as solar and gas water heating, electrothermal lighting, and rocket stoves which are more efficient and lighter; they utilize liquid fuels, compressed gas, and even nearby wood. There will be a discussion and showing of items that can be made personally as well as those that have come onto the market for local purchase since the turn into the 21st century. (45 min-1 hour)
Greenhouse Heat, 6:00pm - 7:00pm - Many Alaskans who garden would like to extend their greenhouse season before break up and after freeze up. Often, however, the requirement of space heating that is needed to get early germination in the spring or to stave off morning frosts in the fall is too expensive. There are options, though, with easy to build mass thermal storage heaters, passive solar panels and biomass gasification designs that can be used for capturing and storing heat in a cost effective way. (45 min-1 hour)
Location: 500 L Street, Suite 201, Anchorage, AK 99501
Cost: FREE
Call for More Information: (907) 474-5854
Logo credit UAF Cooperative Extension Service.