Remote Alaska Communities Energy Efficiency (RACEE) Competition

The Remote Alaska Communities Energy Efficiency (RACEE) Competition organized by the United States Department of Energy Phase I application is due January 26, 2016 at 1pm.
The Competition is a result of President Obama’s visit to Alaska in 2015. The objective of RACEE is to empower Alaskan communities and native Alaskan villages to develop effective tools to advance the use of reliable, affordable, and energy efficient solutions that are replicable throughout Alaska and other Arctic regions. Communities that pledge to reduce their energy consumption by at least 15% by 2020 will be eligible to compete for energy efficiency technical assistance. This assistance will provide project readiness assistance such as comprehensive building inventories, building audits, energy use benchmarking, community energy fairs, business plan development, and project financing advice. The communities that receive technical assistance will be eligible to compete for implementation grants.
Online Application Portal
DE-FOA-0001479: Notice of Opportunity for Technical Assistance (NOTA) for Remote Alaska Communities Energy Efficiency Competition
Remote Alaskan Community Energy Efficiency Competition Community Efficiency Champion Pledge
Questions can be sent to Katie Conway at the Alaska Energy Authority at or to
Learn more:
Logo Credit: DOE.