ACMTC Webinar on Microgrid Competition

The Alaska Center for Microgrid Technologies Commercialization (ACMTC) will be hosting
a webinar on Monday, July 25th at 9:00 AM (Alaska) for applicants to the recently launched Microgrid Technologies Competition.
The webinar will describe the approach planned for the competition, including review
of the application process and key dates, and provide an introduction to the services
available through ACMTC. Time will be reserved for a question / answer session.
The webinar will be recorded and be made available for viewing at the ACEP website.
To register for the webinar, please contact Heike Merkel at
Learn more about the competition.
Photo: Time and support in ACEP's Power Systems Integration Laboratory will be offered
to winning applicants of the competition. Photo credit Stephanie Wall.