Biomass - Future Growth for Fairbanks?

Biomass - Future Growth for Fairbanks?

Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Time: 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Location: Schaible Auditorium, UAF

Presenters: Chad Schumacher(Superior Pellet Fuels), Ben Loeffler (FNSB), Amanda Byrd (ACEP/UAF), Daisy Huang (ACEP/UAF)

In celebration of National Bioenergy Day join local biomass experts in a short discussion on how biomass, when used right, can boost economic development in the Fairbanks North Star Borough.

  • Moderator - Amanda Byrd (ACEP/UAF)
  • Successful Case Studies of Community Scale Biomass Projects - Daisy Huang (ACEP/UAF)
  • Locally Sourced Biomass Resources - Chad Schumacher (Superior Pellet Fuels)
  • FNSB Criteria for Biomass Technology - Ben Loeffler (FNSB)

View the flyer.