ACEP Researchers to Recover Hydrokinetic Research Mooring from Kvichak River

ACEP Researchers Nick Konefal and Jeremy Kasper will travel to Igiugig, AK to recover a mooring from the Kvichak River.
An ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) and SWIP (Shallow Water Ice Profiler) are mounted to the mooring and have been collecting river current and ice flow data throughout the 2016/17 winter.
The data collected will be used to aid in our understanding of the interaction between frazil ice and hydrokinetic devices. The devices are being removed as the project has ended and stored data needs to be recovered. In addition to the mooring, onshore equipment will be retrieved and all equipment will be packaged for shipping back to Fairbanks.
This project was funded by the Department of Energy and was in coordination with an ongoing hydrokinetic energy study conducted by Ocean Renewable Power Company.
Photo: A mooring will be recovered from the Kvichak River near Igiugig. Photo by N. Konefal/ACEP