ACEP Helps with the Municipality of Anchorage’s Climate Action Plan

ACEP faculty member Erin Whitney is wrapping up involvement in the drafting of a detailed
Climate Action Plan for the Municipality of Anchorage. Whitney chairs the buildings
and energy working group, along with Shaina Kilcoyne, the municipality’s sustainability
manager. Other working groups are addressing land use and transportation, food systems,
health and emergency preparedness, consumption and solid waste, urban forests and
watersheds, and outreach and education.
Together with their buildings and energy working group members, Whitney and Kilcoyne
have participated in multiple technical work sessions this fall and solicited input
and review from community members, students and fellow researchers. The buildings
and energy group’s recommendations center on fossil fuel use reduction, energy efficiency,
increased distributed generation, a robust municipal administrative structure to implement
measures, and financial incentives. More information on the final report and overall
project can be obtained from project lead and University of Alaska Anchorage faculty
member Micah Hahn at