ACEP Explores Wind and Solar Potential in Gjoa Haven

ACEP Explores Wind and Solar Potential in Gjoa Haven

ACEP director Gwen Holdmann and adjunct Research Professor Rich Stromberg will travel to Gjoa Haven in Canada’s Nunavut for public outreach and education on renewable energy options.

At 180 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle, Gjoa Haven is most known for being near the location where Britain's Franklin Expedition met its demise in 1848 after the HMS Erebus and HMS Terror were entombed in ice.

While this hamlet of 1,324 people relies on diesel for all electricity and heating, it has a class 4/5 wind resource and the potential for solar energy during parts of the year. In addition to public outreach, ACEP will visit proposed wind turbine sites and identify large heat loads in the community.

Photo: Gjoa Haven in Nunavut, Canada. Photo from